I was surfing the Internet one day and I noticed that Saskatchewan had unlocked their citizens locked in pensions 100% when they were transferred from a locked in retirement account ((L.I.R.A.)) into a Fund where they would be able to start collecting from . (( we will call the unlocked fund a registered retirement income fund R.R.I.F. )) The name varies a little bit Province to Province. I was surfing a bit more and I found that Manitoba had Unlocked 50% of the locked in funds in their province for their people. (( They are currently being lobbied to unlock the remaining 50% )) I then begin to think (( and that is hard to do sometimes )) Ontario being a progressive Province. Why is Ontario not unlocking these funds for their people. Considering that this is very unjust and cruel legislation keeping these funds Locked in when a person reaches Retirement age. Many of us were lead to belive when we contributed to the Defined Contribution Fund and reached the age of retirement that we could draw on our funds at will. Not be controlled by the Government and only allowed to remove basically the interest on the funds from 2.5% to 11% depending how good the fund was doing. This our OWN MONEY not Government Money. It is not OAS or CPP.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nay Vote Bill 116 , Bill to unlock LIF's 100%

Here are the MPP,s that voted against unlocking locked in pensions 100% for the Retiree,s and Seniors of Ontario .

These people , I assume feel that the seniors in the province of Ontario are not as Competent as the Seniors and Retiree,s in Saskatchewan.

They feel I assume that the Seniors and Retiree.s in Ontario need them , The Liberal Government to babysit them and dole out their OWN MONEY to them as if they are children in need of supervision .

It should be noted that every vote against Bill 116 , the Bill to unlock pensions 100% for the Citizens of Ontario was a Liberal Vote.

Just one more reason this province needs a change of government.

The Nay Voters Were .

Sophia Aggelonitis , Laura Albanese , Wayne Arthures , Bas Balkissoon , Lorenzo Berardinetti , Margarett Best , Laurel C Broten , Jim Brownell , Mike Colle , Bob Delaney , Joe Dickson , Daniel Kevin Flynn , Linda Jeffrey , Kuldip Kular , Marc Jean Lalonde , Dave Levac , Reza Moridi , Gerry Phillips , Shafiq Qaadri , Khalil Ramal . Tony Ruprecht , Liz Sandals , Mario Sergio , Harinder S Takhar , Kathleen O Wynne , David Zimmer , .

The Ayes Vote Were .

Ted Arnott , PC , Ted Chudleigh , PC , Cheri DiNovo , NDP , Ernie Hardeman , PC , Jerry J. Ouellette , PC , Leeanna Pendergast , Lib. , Peter Shurman , PC .

I would also like to mention . The NDP support was very poor also as only 1 NDP member voted for Bill 116 (( Cheri DiNovo )) .

This is also disturbing as before the last election Andrea presented a Bill to unlock pensions 100% and I was assured by the Leader at that time ( Howard Hampton ) that the NDP fully supported Andrea's Bill .

It makes one realize why nobody trusts Politicians !!!

(( Now they have Flip Flopped to 50% from what I have heard ))

Sound Familiar (( McGuinty on Promises ))

Other NDP members were present for a prior Bill and were in the house that day but did not see it fit to take the time support Bill 116 .

They were Andrea Horwath , Howard Hampton , Rosario Marchese , Frances Gelinas , Paul Miller , Peter Kormos (((( Which I find very disturbing considering Peter's and Howards locked in pension's are fully unlocked 100% , curtesey of Bill 27 in 1999 )))

The PC Party has said that they support unlocking the pensions 100% , and they did have it in their platform the last election.
I am told by some that it will be on the agenda of the 2011 election.

I guess we will just have to wait and see as the turn out of the PC Party was also very disappointing for the Vote for Ted's Bill 116

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