This is a reply that I e-mailed Greg Sorbara , Ontario Finance Minister in Response to the Response he made to my interview on CBC Radio July 30.
The full interview can be heard at the Ontario today Web site, Under Archive and then Pension Fight.
Mr Sorbara;I would like to thank you for responding to me on the CBC Radio Interview .
It has shown how little respect you and your party have for Senior Citizens of Ontario!!!
You or your party have obviously not even looked into the rules of locked in funds.
You said."So for example pensioners ah who ah put in one half of the contribution into the pension plan are freed when those pension plans are transferred ah to the individual retire They are free to take that money out. This is just about the money the employer whether it is a school board or a municipality or a manufacture put in towards the retirement pension of that individual and that part of the bargain that we are trying to respect and at the same time trying to provide seniors with
"WRONG Mr. Finance Minister. Ask any Bank or Financial Institution in Ontario and they will tell You that all of these funds are locked in for ever.If You feel that this is the way the rules should be then please notify every Financial institution to free up and unlock at least 50% of our investments IMEDIATELY. Then when Your Party unlocks the 25% in 2008. We will have 75%.
Quote " We are just trying to represent the bargain that was made when those funds were ah put in
"What would you know about a bargain ?
The bargain was that the Company would contribute X number of Dollars to the fund or the Employees would go on strike and cease working.
The Employers did not do this out of the goodness of their hearts.
The work force has always bargained with the employer for such things as pensions Drugs Dental Etc.
You and fellow MPP's obviously don't bargain as we see that You all just legislate things as Unlocking these very pensions for your selves, Giving Your selves enormous raises , Making sure that You have plenty of perks.
As far as Bargains You and 60 other MPP's broke their bargain and had their pensions unlocked.
The Provinces of Saskatchewan , Alberta , Manitoba and New Brunswick Broke their bargains.
We did not see the employers drop out of pension plans as you said they would .
Quote " I think down the road many employers will say well you know what we are not interested in ah providing a pension plan anymore for our employees :If they did their company would have no workers.
YOU SEEM TO FORGET The workers are the back bone of this Province and if they DONT WORK, there is NO PROVINCE.
I am glad You answered the Question "Do senior citizens really need protection from unscrupulous investors?
" You stated "
Ah I don't think that this has any thing to do with protecting senior citizens from ah ah investors whether unscrupulous or not."
I am glad You clarified this issue as this is the stance that many of the members in your party use for the reason for not unlocking pensions.
You Said " It's about simply ah honoring the ah agreement the trust relationship between the employer and the employee at the time those funds were put in
"Mr Sorbara: If this is the only reason that the funds can not be unlocked!!
We have no problem then Unlock The Locked in Pensions.
The agreement was that if the employer paid into a pension fund the employees would keep working., also many people were led to believe that these funds would be unlocked at time of retirement.
I would like to give you a example of what happened in my company.
When we came to realize that these funds would not become unlocked at retirement. We went to our employer and just plain said that we wanted our pension changed to a regular RRSP because of those unjust rules.
The result was. The Locked in fund was shut down and then the company and ourselves started investing in a RRSP.
Why Don't You tell the real reason for these funds to be locked in.
In my opinion the real reason is not concern for the Employer or the Employee , It is the greed of Government wanting to latch onto these funds when the holders Die and the Money goes to the estate.
A much more compassionate and responsible thing to do would be to unlock these funds.
It would be better for the people of Ontario and better for the economies of Ontario.
When asked "All three major political party's are taking a stand on this issue. Do you see it becoming a election issue.
"Your response was "No ah ah I don't at all I mean it's it's a relatively ah ah minor issue "
Well Mr. Sorbara !! You are gambling with your party's future.
My self I am not a gambling man but on this issue I think you would lose the Bet !!!
You Said " Ahh it is interesting to here John Tory talk about the fact that ah he he would unlock up to I think 50% or perhaps a 100% .
My response to You is!! The Conservatives have come to realize that this is the Just and Fair thing to do.To give the Seniors Care and Control of their OWN MONEY.
We COMMEND John Tory for his compassionate decision.
You were asked "So you don't think it's going to be difficult to plan financially What If" ( he cut Jerry off)
You Responded " No No I don't "You also stated "fact is that most pensioners will be simply be able to go to a bank and say I have this asset and I would like to borrow 20 or 30 thousand dollars because we want to buy a recreational vehicle or we want to take the holiday that we never had "
This again shows how little you and your party have looked in to the issue of locked in pensions.
YOU CAN NOT go to the bank and say that you have so much in locked in funds and that you would like to borrow $ 20,000. or $ 30,000.
The Bank will tell you that looked in funds CAN NOT BE USED TO BACK UP A LOAN.
I would also like to say. Maybe Seniors don't want to go into debt. Maybe Seniors would like to use some of their OWN MONEY instead of leaving it to their estate so the government can have a big tax grab.Maybe Seniors would like to Diversify their money into other things.
After all it is their money!!!
You were asked "Where did that 25% number come from?
"Your response "well we did an analyses of what was going on in other provinces. Most provinces do not provide any access Saskatchewan is the outlier because it provides 100% access but again it is a very small jurisdiction and it regulates actually very few pension plans.Ah so other provinces have ah various mechanisms of access and we thought that this was just right within that great ah Canadian norm that was our target "
Here again it shows that You and the Liberal Party have not even looked into locked in funds and have very little respect for the Seniors of Ontario.
You say most provinces do not provide any access other then the province of Saskatchewan.
You know full well that some of the other big provinces do. I personally sent You all the information on what the other provinces have been doing.
But looking at the respect you and Your party have for seniors I could only guess what you did with that information. THREW IT IN THE GARBAGE I GUESS !!!!!!!!
You Said " we thought that this was just right within that great ah Canadian norm that was our target "
SIR I hate to think that the Finance Minister of the province of Ontario thinks that 25% is right within that great Canadian Norm!!!
That is pretty poor math to my standards that 25% is comparable to 100% in Saskatchewan 50% in Alberta and 50% in Manitoba which are being lobbied for the remaining 50% And 25% in the SMALL Province of New Brunswick. ((( By the way British Columbia is also being lobbied to unlock 100% )))
Bill Costello ,
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