Hi All; This part of the fight is just about over, the story will be told on Wednesday.
If the Liberals get in We will have a hard fight to try and have these pensions unlocked 100%
Anybody that wants these pensions unlocked had best get out and Vote for either the PC or NDP party because if not. Who Knows!!
Here is a letter I sent out to some papers in NW Ontario recently and some of my thoughts below itRegards Bill Costello
Unlock pensions
Bill CostelloWednesday, October 3, 2007
Dear editor:
An open letter to local Liberal candidate Mike Wood.
Why is it, when asked the question to all members if they would unlock locked-in pensions at the all-candidates’ debate on Kenora TV, that you immediately attacked Howard Hampton and his wife for having their pensions unlocked 100 percent when they retire at the age of 55 or their earlier retirement date.
Why didn’t you also state that 20 of your own party members also had their pensions unlocked—and many of them for a lot more money than Howard and his wife will receive when they retire.
We don’t begrudge the MPP's for having their pensions unlocked. This is the sensible thing to do.
We do, however, begrudge the fact that even though the Liberal leader spoke out in the legislature against it being done for the 61 special MPP's (including himself), that it was not fair because it was not done for the rest of the citizens in Ontario.
He now refuses to do it for the working people and seniors of Ontario.
Why is it that the Liberal party now only offers to unlock these pensions 25 percent and the remainder at 90 years of age? An age when most of the people already will have died!
Why is it that the Liberal party refuses to unlock 100 percent when the NDP and the Progressive Conservatives, plus C.A.R.P. (the organization for 50-plus) and experts in the field of pensions, such as Gordon Pape, Jack Mintz, and Malcolm Hamilton, all agree that these pensions should be unlocked 100 percent for the citizens of Ontario at their retirement age, as it was done for the citizens of Saskatchewan in 2002.
Why is it the Liberal party refuses to do the right thing?
Especially considering that it would not cost the taxpayer one cent and also would improve the economy.
Why is it the Liberal party refuses, after being lobbied for two years, to do the honourable thing and unlock these pensions.
Bill CostelloAtikokan, Ont.
Editor’s note: Bill Costello is with the Ontario Coalition of Independent Locked-in Fund Holders
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