Hi All ;
I have just been notified by Ken Elliott that there is another Private Members bill to unlock locked in pensions 100 % in Ontario .
We can use all the help we can get from concerned Ontario Citizens , or if you are in any other province and hold a Ontario locked in pension . mail your MPP's of all party's , and asking them to support bill 116 on your behalf .
It would also be helpful if you also mailed Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario .
Here is the addresses of the MPP's .
If you are stuck for words this is a letter Philip James set out to his MPP.
" Hello Peter.
We have received information that Mr Chudleigh of Halton has introduced a private members Bill to finally level the playing field Re: Locked in Pensions. His Bill states that all should get 100% unlocking as did the 61Mpp,s back in 1999, with some still sitting including Dalton McGuinty.
My question Peter is straightforward.
Can we the pensioners of Ontario count on your yes vote for Bill 116.
Your response will be appreciated.
Regards Philip James , The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders . "
As Many of You know these locked in Pensions are Pensions arriving from your own private pension plans and the Ontrio Government has no right to keep them locked in when there has already been a presedent set in 2002 in Saskatchewan when they unlocked 100% for their Citizens , in 1999 61 Ontario MPP's passed legislation to unlock their pensions for them selves 100% .
This is your own money not Government money . This is not CPP or QAS .
Please pass this on to as many people as you can .
We need to fight the unjustness of the curent legislation .
Thank You Bill Costello , The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Hoalders
-------Original Message------- Subject: Bill 116
Hi all,
Just received this e-mail this morning ... let's keep the pressure on ... even Chudleigh in his first sentence is acknowledging that MPPs have been given an exemption on locked-in pensions
----- Original Message ----- From: Ellis, Ben To: kenneth.elliott@sympatico.ca Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 11:05 AM
Subject: Locked-In Pensions
Dear Mr. Elliott,
I have been informed that you are interested in the issue of legislation surrounding locked-in pensions and the exemptions for certain people including the terminally ill and MPPs.
As you may have heard, Mr. Chudleigh has tabled legislation recently that would “level the playing field”, so to speak.
Bill 116 would amend the Pension Benefits Act to allow up to the entire amount in the account to be transferred into a registered retirement income fund for all Ontarians.
The transfer could be made at age 55 or, if the pension plan provides for retirement at an earlier age, at that age.
In drafting this legislation, Mr. Chudleigh is attempting to undo and simplify the complicated laws which rob people of the right to spend their own hard-earned money.
As a conservative, Mr. Chudleigh feels that retirees deserve more respect, and do not need pensions rationed out by government like parents giving allowance to their children.
Beyond that principle, Bill 116 would act as a significant and timely stimulus to the economy.
Bill 116 will be given second reading some time in 2009, at a date yet to be determined (depending on Mr. Chudleigh's ballot day). At that time, we hope there will be serious debate on this issue both in the House, in the media and in the public.
Even if Bill 116 fails to pass, we hope that the Liberal government will take note of the issue and at least introduce legislation that changes the current system.
I understand the frustration that exists regarding this matter but there are several steps that can be taken to increase our chances.
For instance, as a private citizen you might start a petition or letter-writing campaign, perhaps in concert with an organization like CARP. If you were able to stir up enough support, Mr. Chudleigh could read them into the record and demonstrate to the McGuinty Liberals that there is real public clamoring for change.
I would be happy to help with this process. Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss this or other issues.
Best regards, Ben Ellis
Executive Assistant to Ted Chudleigh, M.P.P. Halton P.C. Critic for Economic Development and Trade
I was surfing the Internet one day and I noticed that Saskatchewan had unlocked their citizens locked in pensions 100% when they were transferred from a locked in retirement account ((L.I.R.A.)) into a Fund where they would be able to start collecting from . (( we will call the unlocked fund a registered retirement income fund R.R.I.F. )) The name varies a little bit Province to Province.
I was surfing a bit more and I found that Manitoba had Unlocked 50% of the locked in funds in their province for their people. (( They are currently being lobbied to unlock the remaining 50% ))
I then begin to think (( and that is hard to do sometimes )) Ontario being a progressive Province. Why is Ontario not unlocking these funds for their people. Considering that this is very unjust and cruel legislation keeping these funds Locked in when a person reaches Retirement age.
Many of us were lead to belive when we contributed to the Defined Contribution Fund and reached the age of retirement that we could draw on our funds at will. Not be controlled by the Government and only allowed to remove basically the interest on the funds from 2.5% to 11% depending how good the fund was doing.
This our OWN MONEY not Government Money. It is not OAS or CPP.
Monday, January 12, 2009
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